Saturday, November 17, 2018

Separated at Birth/Putz Deluxe Edition

Separated at birth. First, smug fascist character from Animal House, Greg Marmalard:

Greg, honey, is it supposed to be this soft?
And Congressman Eric "We have nukes" Swalwell:

The Honorable Mr. Swalwell wants your guns and well, he's prepared to do whatever is necessary to get 'er done:

It's the only way to be sure
So talk to Swalwell. Or get nuked. Your choice, really. It is a dialogue, after all, although you may have trouble enunciating with his shoe on your throat.


Gino said...

keep an eye on Swalwell... he's a rising start in the DNC fraternity. he's rather Rubio-esque, but slicker. time to set him up with a dead girl, or a live boy. a GOP playing to win would be working on this idea already...

Petercorp said...

This is off topic, but it has to be stated. Trump deserves credit where and when it's due. He gets credit for visiting areas hit by natural disasters. And extra points for going into a hornets nest for him known as Cali

Bike Bubba said...

OK, so to prevent ~ 30k deaths by guns each year, the guy is willing to risk the genocide of tens of millions, really equivalent to ~ 1000 years or more of those firearm deaths?

You know, I'd been in favor of legalization of dope, but Swalwell is showing us pretty clearly that the bad effects can be really quite pernicious and long-lasting.