Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The senator from Ida-ho

Bugs Bunny put it best: what a maroon. For about 20 seconds, once I read the writeup in today's Star Tribune about Senator Larry Craig's wide stance and close encounter with a vice cop out at the airport, I was thinking that it was possible for that maybe, just maybe, his actions had been misconstrued. But then I remembered experiencing similar behavior in a public rest room in Milwaukee years ago, when I was still young and generally unaware of such things. I never did tumble to the meaning of the commotion in the stall next to mine and I went about my business and left without understanding what it was about. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

So, what do you do with this guy? My personal wish is that he goes back to Boise or wherever he's from and leaves our vice cops alone; perhaps he can join the cast of the Napoleon Dynamite sequel or something. But he clearly doesn't belong in the Senate. One other thing - I wish these dudes would stop dragging their wives up on stage with them. He should have had Jim McGreevey or someone vouch for him, rather than forcing a victimized spouse to share the withering glare of the spotlight.

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