Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm in the MOB now

Groucho Marx famously remarked that he would never want to be part of any club that would have him as a member. But I don't hang on Groucho's every word, so it was high time that I finally moved this enterprise into an orbit with other bloggers. As a result, I have now joined the MOB, i.e., the Minnesota Organization of Bloggers. This group of bloggers includes a number of particular favorites of mine and I highly recommend that you stop by. I will be constructing a blog roll that contains the name of all these blogs and will add it to this site in the coming days. Make sure you visit some of the other blogs in the MOB; as Bill Cosby used to say on "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids" you just might learn something before it's done. Hey hey hey!


W.B. Picklesworth said...

It's about time! Welcome to the club.

Douglas said...

Welcome to the MOB! It's a lot easier to just add the script that shows the entire MOB roster...