Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Try our hubris, I swear! No really, I'm swearing! #@(!

Once in a while I pop in and visit a nest of liberals at the Star Tribune. They have a number of blog sites, including The Big Question, which is their ostensibly political blog. It was originally started by their long-term political reporter, Eric Black, who was one of the bigfoots who left the Strib during the recent wave of buyouts. The site is now run by D.J. Tice, who directs political coverage for the Strib and used to be the house conservative columnist at the Pioneer Press.

The format there is typical of many political blogs - the host posts an article or question about something political, then turns it over to various posters. I would estimate that probably 75% of the posters there are lefties of varying degrees, including at least one fairly active political operative named Bill Prendergast, who is a regular contributor to the "Dump Bachmann" website dedicated to the political destruction of our favorite Minnesota holy roller congresswoman (you can find the link yourself if you're so inclined).

As I said, I like to stop by from time to time and throw a few turds in their punchbowl. While Tice and his predecessor Black always have sought some measure of civility, the lefties are like most lefties; i.e., arrogant and condescending. On that site I have been compared to a trained monkey and to Benito Mussolini because of my views, which not surprisingly I find quite persuasive. I have to bow before such erudition.

I've suggested to a few posters there that, if they really interested in having their side run the country, they might be better served to limit their invective and actually try to make cogent arguments and take a less, shall we say ad hominem approach. Interestingly, they have no use for my advice. The tone is usually something like "if you want me to be civil toward the people who have destroyed this nation and brought us Chimpy McBushsatanhitler Buscho corruption and sank our international reputation to an all time low and [insert your favority lefty talking points here], I refuse! #@* *(#&@(#, I won't be silent about it!"

Oh, and #@*#( Halliburton, too. And #@*(# Dale Carnegie, for that matter. @*#(@(#.

Sometimes I wonder, do these people really understand what they sound like? Do they understand that the dripping condescension and arrogance they display is singularly unattractive? Or are they so committed to their hatred, their rage against the injustices they perceive, that they can't get how crappy they appear?

Guess not. And that's why I think the Democrats may not want to be too sure of their inevitability in the next election cycle. One of the many reasons why Karl Rove was successful is that he often simply let the Democrats monologue, as they say in "The Incredibles." No matter what you think of W's performance, and the performance of the Republican party in recent years, they don't go around actively insulting vast portions of the populace. That might at least partially explain some of their electoral success over the past 30 years.

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