Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Gino harshes the narrative

Our pal Gino asks a sensible question in light of the the UVa rape story that apparently isn't actually a story, but rather a fable:
the template: college is dangerous, girls are raped at alarming rate by drunken predator frat boys.

some questions need to be reported on:

if this was true, why are we incurring so much debt to get our girls into college?
If the 1 out of 5 women are victims of some form of sexual assault story were true, let's consider what it would mean. Someone I know well currently attends college. The college he attends has about 1400 students. Of this student body, about 58% are female. Let's do the math:

If this school has 1400 students it would have about 812 women on campus.

If 1 of 5 were victims, it would mean that 162 women on this campus were victims. It would be parental malpractice to send a daughter to college if that were true. And it would be especially foolish to take out $25-30K of loans for the experience.

For what it's worth, people are starting to figure it out:
Members of the Virginia Tech football team have been accused of acting disrespectfully at a campus sexual assault awareness event.

Players were required to attend a Take Back the Night event on March 26. The event was organized by a campus female activism group and featured sexual assault survivors speaking about their experiences as victims. Multiple attendees accused the players of infringing upon the "safe space" the event is intended to foster, according to The Roanoke Times.

Take Back the Night is a national organization that seeks "to end sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all other forms of sexual violence."

Several attendees wrote letters to the student newspaper, the Collegiate Times, complaining about the players' behavior. The players arrived late, said they did not know why they were attending the event and spent much of the time looking at their phones, the letters said.
Instapundit shares a mordant comment:
UPDATE: From the comments: “I was born and raised in Cuba. I have certain memories of staged rallies.”
I'll bet.


3john2 said...

It's a world where things that never happened are ginned up to cataclysmic levels by ignorance or disingenousness. Witness the pizza place in Indiana that only responded to a reporter's question that it wouldn't want to provide pizzas for a gay wedding (but never actually refused anyone, or the UVA case - both of which put a damaging spotlight on innocent people's lives for the sake of some "greater" cause.

I also see where the Rolling Stone reporter/prevaricator has described the criticism she has received as "brutal and humiliating." She's a victim!

Bike Bubba said...

It strikes me that what needs to happen to bring sanity back to situations is for those who did the reporting and accepted it uncritically to lose their jobs, just like Mike Nifong. And yes, I fully support the lawsuit contemplated by the fraternity libeled by Rolling Stone.

Put differently, if you want me to have a knee-jerk response of "I believe you" in cases of sexual assault allegations, you've got to do a credible job of penalizing perjurers. Too many innocents are losing their freedom, resources, and yes, lives to this kind of nonsense.