Monday, April 27, 2015

Former Clinton Spokesman is troubled by allegations

George Stephanopolous wants you to know that it's questionable if a former Bush hand writes a book that's critical of the Clintons:
STEPHANOPOULOS: -- you used to work for President -- President Bush as a speechwriter. You're funded by the Koch brothers.

How do you respond to that?
Well, here's how I respond:

It's an ongoing joke that ABC News trots out a former Clinton press secretary and communications director as a journalist. Could you imagine a news program on a major television network that would have had former Nixon press secretary Ron Ziegler as the moderator?


Gino said...

but George has stated several times that his partisan leanings have no effect on his reportage, so there.

Bike Bubba said...

The most biased guy you'll ever meet is the guy who tells you he's not biased. Granted, something of an "experimental" result, but the correlation is darned near perfect in my experience.