Wednesday, April 22, 2015

They aren't serious

If you wonder why people are skeptical of global warming AGW climate change climate disruption, here's a hint:

And we'll spew a little carbon into the air to celebrate our enlightened stance on the matter
When the IPCC starts doing their meetings on Skype, then maybe I'll believe there's really a crisis. When Al Gore stops buying beachfront property, that might be persuasive. Until then, I wouldn't take it any more seriously than the our betters do.


Gino said...

Until then, I wouldn't take it any more seriously than the our betters do.

slowly, i think the majority is coming around to the same opinion.

Bike Bubba said...

Cripes, I was just thinking of cutting down a tree and using it to fuel my sauna, and Dear Leader and the Voodoo Guy are going to be burning 20,000 gallons of kerosene to celebrate. I just can't keep up. Maybe I'll start a forest fire, or a coal mine fire, or something.

Seriously, agreed 100% that I'll start taking their theory seriously after they do.