Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Moments of Clarity - Installment III

Hey, guess what? It looks like a lot of people in the Islamic world don't like snotty Danish cartoonists. As the protests, riots, and now killings (of a Catholic priest in Italy) demonstrate, we are not dealing with Western standards of rationality. So what are we learning?
  • While it may not be possible to get enough to eat, or for a woman to walk the streets without a chador, in many parts of the Muslim world, there appears to be a ready supply of European flags for burning. I think I'd like that concession right about now.
  • We are all Danes. More to the point, we are all infidels. And it's a dangerous game to pretend otherwise, or to downplay the meaning of this.
  • The cynicism of Bashar Assad, Hosni Mubarak and the other worthies of the region knows no boundaries.
  • Those freedoms we hold dear could evaporate quite quickly. As the Founders understood, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

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