Friday, July 20, 2012

No idea

I don't know why Michele Bachmann is picking the fight she's decided to pick concerning the influence, or lack thereof, of the Muslim Brotherhood on various government officials.

Three things seem clear to me.

  • If the Muslim Brotherhood wants to petition the U.S. government, or cultivate politicians that would support its efforts, that's hardly unusual. All sorts of organizations do the same thing.
  • Being outrageously outraged about what Bachmann is saying is at least as silly as whatever it is she is saying. I would bet there's at least a 75% overlap of those who would condemn Bachmann for McCarthyite tactics and those who regularly denounce anti-tax bete noire Grover Norquist* and ALEC. We all have our boogeymen.
  • Going after Keith Ellison is silly. He's irritating and a regular vote for nonsense, but he has no power in Washington and likely never will. No point to it.
*The funny thing is, Norquist might have some Muslim Brotherhood issues of his own to deal with.


Anonymous said...

Mark, don't get trapped in the liberal approved use of the 'McCarthyite' term. I assign you to read the Venona Documents that can be found at the or some other site. And you being a St Mary Appleton lad. For shame! Dave and Lester Balliet would not be happy.

Mr. D said...


Reread what I wrote:

I would bet there's at least a 75% overlap of those who would condemn Bachmann for McCarthyite tactics and those who regularly denounce anti-tax bete noire Grover Norquist* and ALEC.

I didn't say that I was one of those people. And by the by, Dave Balliet, as a proud Democrat, would have used the term on Bachmann without hesitation.

But that was part of what made Dave Balliet one of my favorite teachers -- he'd draw out the conversation and let you state your case. Having him as a teacher in the 1976 election cycle was a great blessing.