Friday, April 25, 2014

Lightning Round 042514

Happy St. Mark's Day! A few brief thoughts:

  • I'm not following the Cliven Bundy case very carefully, but from what I can tell, the current narrative is that because he's apparently a racist, he deserves whatever the federal government would like to do to him. While I'd like to think we can distinguish between actual crime and thought crime, that ship sailed.
  • The Byron Smith case up in Little Falls is fascinating. It's always dangerous to draw conclusions before all the evidence is presented, but a few things seem clear at this point. There's no question that Smith, an aggrieved homeowner who was on the business end of a number of burglaries, was the guy who killed the two teenagers who broke into his home. I have zero sympathy for the teenagers he killed, but it wasn't Smith's call to implement his own private sector death penalty for their crimes. I would also hope that the Little Falls police department ends up on the carpet for their lackluster efforts in dealing with the crimes that Smith had endured. It's not been established that the teenagers who were killed were treating Smith's house as their own freelance pharmacy, but there's reason to believe that was the case. I also think that this case wouldn't be as interesting to people if the two teenagers who met their Maker that day weren't so photogenic. 
  • I'm going to wait to comment on the depositions of Archbishop John Nienstedt and Fr. Kevin McDonough until I get a chance to study them more. I will say this much -- while it's clear that the Church made some horrible decisions in dealing with the predator priests in its midst, I'm not certain that the solution to the problem is enriching Jeffrey Anderson.


Anonymous said...

I've always been horrified by what I understand to be racism: treating someone badly on account of their race.

But it's become increasingly clear that there is a new, and equally vile behavior that infects society: the person who despises others for their perceived racism. Such a person is no better than they are. And he is more dangerous because his hatred has the sanction of polite society.


Bike Bubba said...

I don't know that Bundy is a racist; he's just pointing out what Walter Williams points out, that our welfare programs have done to blacks what both slavery and Jim Crow failed to do, destroy families and make black neighborhoods a war zone.

In my opinion, the racists are those who support the status quo--they're the ones getting 40% of black children aborted, getting 5000 blacks murdered post-womb each year, discouraging blacks from forming families, preventing blacks from getting good schools.

Yes, I'm looking at Dear Leader as I write this. He's the bigot, not Bundy.