Thursday, April 11, 2019

Res ipsa loquitur

Maxine Waters, oversighting the heck out of those evil big banks:


John said...

Hmmm, With a brain trust like Waters, Ocasio-Cortez, and Gabbard on the finance committee I am totally convinced the concept of Congressional oversight will take on a whole new dimension.

Where is Rod Sterling when we really need him?

Bike Bubba said...

I would have not been able to be as polite as those gentlemen were about the matter, and frankly I don't think that they should have been. They should have emphatically pointed out that the current student loan crisis is solely the fault of the federal government, specifically the Democrats that voted for the Health Insurance Deform Act.

Yes, Waters would try to retaliate, at which point those retaliated against could appeal to people, and I'm thinking that current disgust with the "swamp" would protect them, as would, for that matter, the President.

Corporate leaders need to learn how to play this game.