Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It would have been nice if. . .

. . . the Leader of the Free World had said at the outset of his remarks tonight that his likely useless European travel ban didn’t apply to U.S. citizens. We ended up spending a small fortune on a one-way ticket via London to get our daughter a flight home on the weekend, routing her through England to avoid restrictions that didn’t actually apply to her, so she wouldn’t be stuck in Europe. Sneaking a clarification out an hour after his presentation was, well, horseshit.

I can’t even pretend to defend this. Meanwhile, the trip to Spain I have been waiting to take for 36 freaking years is now likely a sunk cost.



3john2 said...

I did spare a thought your way last night with the news, and especially regarding getting Maria home. That was a concern for us as well when our daughter was living in Prague and Putin doing Russian things. We discussed possible if/then scenarios (somewhat as a result of having read "Winds of War" back in the day, and remembering American citizens being caught on the wrong side of the lines), and while we lived there ourselves for two months we even held some of our cash in Swiss francs for "get out of Dodge" purposes.

Losing money on the tickets and having to spend for an emergency return as well are bad enough while also worrying about getting your daughter home. I hope you will feel much better once she's back in your arms.

Anonymous said...

This really stinks. I am sorry you will not be able to go, Mark. Hopefully, Maria gets home safely and in good health.