Monday, June 08, 2020

What's worse than an out-of-control police department?

Armed social workers, that's what.

I'm all for making changes to policing, especially using cops as agents of revenue collection. But given the predilections of the therapeutic state, you'd soon see tyranny far more cruel than whatever we have now.


3john2 said...

Remember when Obama's Dept of Education was buying shotguns and other federal agencies were buying millions of rounds of .40 cal? Now you know why.

Mr. D said...

Remember when Obama's Dept of Education was buying shotguns and other federal agencies were buying millions of rounds of .40 cal? Now you know why.


3john2 said...

I think it's time for a position called "Peace Officer". I know that's a synonym for cop, but a Peace Officer would have a role much like the cop on a beat; walking a neighborhood, getting to know the residents and businesses, watching for potential trouble or dealing with things (such as sleeping drunks in the fast-food drive-thru), writing citations where necessary. The PO would be unarmed, other than taser and pepper spray, but the role is to manage things to avoid confrontations. Then you'd have the Law Enforcement role; the cops with guns in cars that can respond tactically beyond what the PO can do, either when called by a PO or 911. Detectives would be part of that, and there'd still be SWAT for the heavy-duty stuff.

I don't know if the PO role would be attractive to candidates; perhaps as a stepping stone to become a LEO if that is their desire. I'd have to think any LEO that had walked a beat for a couple years as a PO would be an asset as an LEO. Plus, the union would be happy with all the extra jobs. You can make the progs happy by naming the position "Resiliency Officers" instead of Peace Officers, or "Peace and Resilience Officers" (PROs).