Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Gets the Full Torricelli


Fallen and can't get up

No surprise that Joe Biden has ended his campaign. He's been a fugitive from Madame Tussauds for a long time now and even when he was at the height of his powers, he was at best a 10-watt bulb. He has been a horrible buffoon and genuine menace to the body politic for a half century and his departure from the field is long overdue. I have long thought Bill Clinton was the most despicable person to occupy the Oval Office, but Biden provides strong competition for the title.

Kamala Harris is, at this point, the frontrunner for the Donks, but it remains to be seen if the powers that be on the port side are willing to let her be the nominee. Not sure they are. My guess is they would rather have a fresh face without the associated baggage to take on the Bad Orange Man. Who would that be? I can think of a few possibilities, in order of plausibility:

Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania

Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina

Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky

Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan

Of that group, Whitmer likely has the highest profile, which is what makes her the least likely possibility. She's got a definite air of Nurse Ratched about her and the only demographic that would find her appealing is human resources managers. Given his overall greasiness and demonstrably dismal performance, I don't think Gavin Newsom is the one, nor do I see Pritzker of Illinois having a shot either. There are some delusional types (Betty McCollum, for example) who are touting Tim Jong Walz as a possible dark horse, but he's a sputtering moron who would have no chance unless the entire Washington press corps morphs into Esme Murphy. And you can forget Skeletor Evers next door as well, as he has the charisma of lint.

I don't doubt there will be any number of other adventures before we get to November; I would not be surprised if another assassination attempt is forthcoming, nor would I be surprised if the corrupt judge in the New York trial that saddled Trump with a bunch of "felonies" tries to put Trump in Rikers in the general population. Any other guesses? Place yer bets.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Fog of War/Shit Got Real


Bloodied but unbowed

We'll know more soon enough. What we may know suggests some very bad things. It's been over 40 years since someone took a shot at a president, former or otherwise. I hope we never see something like this again, but that's not the way to bet.