Thursday, April 12, 2007

Another quick update

Day 2, post-hospital:

Learned a few things yesterday.
  • One, the doctors were not kidding when they say you have to take it slow. I spent about an hour and one half on the computer yesterday, wading through the Nigerian get-rich quick schemes and the usual, more pertinent correspondence. By the time I got home, I felt like I'd been hit by a load of bricks and I pretty much slept all afternoon. This is going to be a challenge to slow down. Although I don't usually come across this way, I'm definitely a Type A personality and I do like to push the envelope. Problem is, the envelope pushes back sometimes.
  • Trying to remember all the drugs you need to take post-op is really a challenge. I am currently sporting six separate prescriptions and will likely have at least that many going forward, every day, for the rest of my life. It didn't seem that long ago that the only self-medication I did took place in ostensibly Irish saloons, but that's not where we are any more. I hope to have a few cocktails one of these days, though. Despite it all, summer is coming and that means at least one gin and tonic on the deck. Now there's a goal worth shooting for.
  • The world keeps moving - lots of news to digest and to comment upon. But as our very recently departed Mr. Vonnegut would say, so it goes.

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