Friday, June 06, 2014

A potential explanation

As is often the case, you need to read the papers in the U.K. to find out what's happening in the U.S.:
The Obama administration passed up multiple opportunities to rescue Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl because the president was dead-set on finding a reason to begin emptying Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a Pentagon official.

'JSOC went to the White House with several specific rescue-op scenarios,' the official with knowledge of interagency negotiations underway since at least November 2013 told MailOnline, referring to the Joint Special Operations Command. 'But no one ever got traction.'

'What we learned along the way was that the president wanted a diplomatic scenario that would establish a precedent for repatriating detainees from Gitmo,' he said.

The official said a State Department liaison described the lay of the land to him in February, shortly after the Taliban sent the U.S. government a month-old video of Bergdahl in January, looking sickly and haggard, in an effort to create a sense of urgency about his health and effect a quick prisoner trade.

'He basically told me that no matter what JSOC put on the table, it was never going to fly because the president isn't going to leave office with Gitmo intact, and this was the best opportunity to see that through.'
This is tiresome. Obama can close Gitmo tomorrow, if he's willing to face the political ramifications of doing so. He's not. So instead, we get this half-assed kabuki theater. Enjoy it, kids.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

How could it be any different? He is a tiger and he has stripes. The really foolish thing is to invite a tiger to tea.

Anonymous said...

It's amateur night at the improv 24/7 at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.