Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Days Are Here Again

Is Clinton a liberal Reagan? Brett Budowsky offers a highly nuanced view:
In my last column, I warned fellow liberals that the grave danger to American liberalism is not a Democratic president liberals agree with 90 percent of the time but a one-party Republican state with every branch of government controlled by a GOP in the grip intolerance and extremism. Today we consider the mirror image of that column: the new day of progressive triumph, power and leadership that would come with a dramatic Clinton victory in 2016.
Oh, it could happen:
The great opportunity for Clinton is to become the first woman president while also becoming a liberal Ronald Reagan: a conviction politician who stands for progressivism, a competent chief executive who believes in governing and a skilled negotiator with opponents at home and leaders abroad.

Clinton in 2016 could have the same effect as Reagan in 1980 and 1984: recruiting Democratic candidates, inspiring Democratic supporters and winning an electoral landslide.
The Clintons are famous for being conviction politicians. This should be pretty easy for her to pull off.


3john2 said...

The Clintons are famous conviction politicians. That fact is unimpeachable.

Gino said...

Hillary hasnt been competent at any political position she's held.

Bike Bubba said...

Oh, a term in the Senate counts as competent in my book. Now competent at governing, that's where she got into trouble.