Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A good ol' fashioned fisking

Our buddy Brad Carlson is on the case, fisking the living daylights out of a Robert Reich screed. Just click the link, in which our man Brad dispatches a purported conversation between Reich and a likely mythical Republican friend.


Bike Bubba said...

OK, first of all, kudos to the New York Times for not printing this--I pick on the mass media, and I think rightly so, for their inattention to detail, but I would dare suggest that there probably is a reason that this appeared on Facebook and not the Times.

Or at least I like to believe that an editor probably got in between this one and publishing, saying something like "Mr. Reich, you're going to have to be careful about trying to publish this if you want to keep your gig with us."

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Usually there's some verisimilitude in fiction.