Friday, September 11, 2015

Amazing, all right

People write crap like this with a straight face:
Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is -- and always has been -- his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it seem as though he's the closest thing to a real person you could possibly hope for in politics.
Joe Biden is a straight up plagiarist. There's no getting around it. Here he was, way back in 1988, interspersed with his source material from British Labour leader Neil Kinnock:

Is it too much to ask that we not engage in hagiography for people like Biden? Seriously?


Brad said...

C'mon, Joe Biden's son died. Have you no compassion?!?!?!

Gino said...

I always thought biden looked like he cames out of central casting... quick, i need somebody to play a lifelong senator.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

Insofar as he sometimes doesn't yet have his foot in his mouth, yes he is honest.

Bike Bubba said...

It strikes me that if Biden were an honest man, he'd have resigned the vice presidency in protest of his boss.

Ugly reality here is that the state of journalism is so bad, even "factcheck" is reduced to trying to talk around obvious facts. So "honesty" in the minds of journalists these days all too often means "agree with the standard narrative."

W.B. Picklesworth said...

To put a finer point on it: the job of journalists is to lie.