Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Everything leaves, even the Mindset List

So Beloit College's annual excuse to proclaim its existence, The Mindset List, arrived today. With it came some news:
“All good things must come to a conclusion,” notes the Mindset List’s creator Ron Nief, Public affairs director emeritus at Beloit College. This will be the last year that the Mindset List will be associated with Beloit College, but it will continue in the future at themindsetlist.com or at a new institutional home. “We have enjoyed our 20 plus years of association with Beloit College, where the List began,” said Ron Nief.
As a proud alumnus of Beloit College, I'm sad to see it leave, but at the same time the Mindset List has been played out for a while now. And, as usual, it's been a hodgepodge of nostalgia and questionable assertions. For example, this pair of observations, numbers 3 and 4:
3. They have always been able to refer to Wikipedia.
4. They have grown up afraid that a shooting could happen at their school, too
Have kids really worried that much about school shootings? They've prepared for them, but it's never really been a fear at most places. Or try this pair, numbers 32 and 33:
32. Robert Downey Jr. has always been the sober Iron Man.
33. Exotic animals have always been providing emotional support to passengers on planes.
That second observation is simply not true. You never heard of support animals until a few years ago, although laws were on the books that theoretically supported their existence as far back as the 1970s.  No one was trying to bring a Shetland pony on a plane until quite recently. The first rules about support animals in college dormitories were promulgated in 2013, which you can look up in, well, Wikipedia.

Beloit has hosted other entities in the past that have left, including the Beloit Poetry Journal, a small but highly influential little magazine that moved to Maine over 30 years ago. The Mindset List has been a publicity bonanza for ol' alma mater, but apparently that's over. It will also mean that the List itself will be on a future list, around 2033 or thereabouts.

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