Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wait Til Next Year

Not ready, yet:
Gov. Mark Dayton said Tuesday that proposals this year to ban the indoor use of electronic cigarettes may go too far.

In an interview with the Star Tribune, Dayton said that while he would sign a bill to restrict children’s ability to buy e-cigarettes, he is likely to oppose proposed restrictions on their use indoors.

“After we came down pretty hard on smokers last session, that’s probably enough for this biennium,” Dayton said. The state raised taxes on cigarettes last year. “We did enough to smokers last session.”
There's always another session. That's why we talk about eternal vigilance.


jerrye92002 said...

Oh, so the Guv, up for re-election, gets to cast himself as the oh-so-moderate guy compared to his radical liberal party? Wasn't he the guy who signed the tax increases, pushed for gay marriage, signed the Vikings deal without reading it, and pushed us all onto MNCare without the foggiest idea of how to reach that utopia?

Mr. D said...

Kabuki all the way down, Jerry.