Monday, August 22, 2016

Hole in the news cycle

It was pretty quiet over the weekend. We rarely see Hillary Clinton these days and other than the Donald's supporters getting attacked in Minneapolis on Friday, not much seemed to happen over the weekend.

August is like that -- the summer is quickly drawing to a conclusion and a lot of people are on vacation, so there's not necessarily a lot of news to report. Based on my social media feed, it appears that a few dozen friends of mine were at the Metallica concert on Saturday at the People's Stadium, but metal's not my thing. We'll check out the acoustics in about six weeks when Fearless Maria and her might Irondale High School Marching Knights compete at the Youth in Music event in the stadium.

So we have a hole to fill. That means an open thread. What's on your mind?


Gino said...

will drafting at the bottom in fantasy alter your draft strategy? it will mine.

Mr. D said...

I drafted 8th last year, so it should be okay. We should have comparable teams, too.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

From what position will my bot be drafting?