Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nicholas Kristof says Republicans are a cult of personality

Thus Spake Kristof

Video evidence:


Petercorp said...

There was a Cult of Obama. Just like there's a Cult of Trump. I'm not sure that it lasted long. The liberals that I've recently joined up with gave him the benefit of the doubt, but eventually he wasn't liberal enough for them. I'm not sure that centrists and moderates kept him as a cult figure. It may have seemed so with having to be very careful in how criticism of him was handled.

But it's been between three to four years of unwavering support for and from Trump's base now. He can't do much wrong it seems. It remains the only far right people that have spoken out against him are the ones that want the wall, and have figured out that it probably doesn't happen. The others are the deficit hawks, or the only people in the country that have any concern about that issue.

Trump came out swinging. That's what they like about him. When called out he just doubled on down and played the victim. Ya have to give him credit as a salesman. He's been mostly sizzle and not much steak. But it just doesn't matter to the diehards, not much does.

As bad as my side of the aisle is, our extreme doesn't make up the majority of it. They're really loud, though. But the extreme of the right actually makes up the majority of that group. Trolling the enemy will finally cost the man. The political ploy to try to use women of color will more likely than not backfire on him.

I'm not sure of how it'll sit well with independents and moderates. Will the wealthy elite still support the guy that they're not all that fond of after they were able to get that tax cut from him? The hard right threw everything that they had in order to get him in during the 2016 election. Less than eighty thousand votes in three states is a really thin margin. But after 2016 when one of the greatest political upsets happened, I'm not going to say that he'll lose. I hate to say it, but America might be dumb enough to make the same mistake, again.

Mr. D said...

The difference, as I see it, is that Trump faces opposition. People in and out of government fight him at every turn. Where the Democrats take control, they keep it and eventually eliminate the possibility of opposition. California is what the Dems want. We’re getting close to that level of control in Minnesota.

Petercorp said...

He does. Bush did. Trump pushed the envelop to a far degree. Not the farthest degree that he's been accused of. But far enough to alienate a lot of people. Right, or wrong, it looks like he may end up being the one left holding the check.

I didn't know that Minnesota was getting worse, or better. When I lived in Washington, they tried to be just like Cali. Oregon pulled some of their punches and did some of what the other two were doing, or to lesser degrees, and even not at all. But it's like when you had the snow issues in Missouri, by St. Louis. Missouri doesn't collect anywhere near what Minnesota, Wisconsin, Washington, and so on collect.

The government does so much less in cases like Kansas, Missouri, and most states in the south and the southeast, and to the point even where they look incompetent. But St. Louis is worse than KC when it comes to almost everything. I'm not sure that they're the best example. But cities and counties have to collect tax revenue down here. If you're outside of those areas in this part of the country, you're, let's say that it rhymes with trucked.