Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Sound and the Fury

 Yeah, the first debate was a straight-up shitshow. A few very brief thoughts:

  • Biden didn't drool on himself, so that's positive. I kinda think Trump made his life easier, because if he'd just dropped the insults on Joe and let him respond, Biden might have said something he would later regret, but Trump can't help himself. Also, many people will object to the full frontal assault on Biden's son Hunter. But my guess is this: if Trump gets a sufficient amount of voters to do a little research on Hunter Biden's, ahem, career, it will work to Trump's benefit.
  • Trump is a rat bastard, but he fights. And in a moment where the Left is bidding fair to destroy much of what I hold dear, a rat bastard is probably the right guy for the job of opposing the Left.
  • Chris Wallace begged a lot of questions, none to Trump's benefit. And he lost control of things more than once. As annoying as Trump and Biden were, Wallace was a bigger disgrace than either of them. 
  • Trump did make one important point concerning the peaceful transition of power; he never got one when he was elected and he's been at war with the Deep State from the jump. I think a lot of people understand that but haven't thought about it much. Maybe the message got lost in the brawling, but it's possible that may resonate with a few people.
  • I'd like to say we deserve better candidates for president, but based on my social media feed I don't think that's right. We have the campaign and the candidates we have because we allow the worst government class ever to maintain their sinecures.
If you have thoughts, share 'em in the comments.


Gino said...

when the debate is hyped up almost as a UFC match, what did you expect?

when the the moderator is a soy eating, anti-Trump sissyfag, how did you expect Trump to come off?

after Biden has made the most outrageous of accusations against Trump, and never gets challenged by the likes of sissyfag Wallace and friends, how would Trump be expected to behave?

How would you behave?
How could you behave?

Trump fights.
As he should.


Mr. D said...

Trump fights.
As he should.

I agree.