Friday, July 11, 2014

Home truth

The scales having fallen from her eyes a number of years ago now, Peggy Noonan asks a question she can answer:
Meanwhile some in the conservative press call the president incapable, unable to handle the situation. But he is not so stupid he doesn't know this is a crisis. He knows his poll numbers are going to go even lower next month because of it. He scrambled Wednesday to hold a news conference to control a little of the damage, but said nothing new.

There is every sign he let the crisis on the border build to put heat on Republicans and make them pass his idea of good immigration reform. It would be "comprehensive," meaning huge, impenetrable and probably full of mischief. His base wants it. It would no doubt benefit the Democratic Party in the long term.

The little children in great danger, holding hands, staring blankly ahead, are pawns in a larger game. That game is run by adults. How cold do you have to be to use children in this way?
Everything is for the children.

1 comment:

3john2 said...

The base thinks they want unfettered immigration - until the power brokers find their own power broken, as in Phyllis Kahn's situation in Minneapollis with the Somali challenger. And it was a hispanic democrat Congressman that embarrassed the White House by pointedly asking - and not baacking off - for the One to come to the border.