Thursday, July 31, 2014

Speaking of Haterade

Betty McCollum provides a charming update:

Sweetness and light
Of course, I also find out the following from my Facebook feed:

Never knew Sen. Byrd was a Tea Partier
I get the distinct impression that our betters aren't taking things very well at the moment.


Gino said...

speaking to their choirs. even morons (not unlike two yr olds) need to be entertained lest they lose interest.

First Ringer said...

This is precisely why I get so furious at those who call the GOP the "Party of Hate," or some related nonsense.

File this as Entry #1,929,193,432 in the "If a Republican Did It" category...

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I find it refreshing that Betty is so open. If you are a bigot you should be able to be open and honest about it. It's better for all of us.

As for SPLC, who better than them to know the depth of hatred in the heart of man?