Friday, July 31, 2015

In praise of actual journalism

We wrote yesterday about the tendency of modern journalists acting as little more than stenographers for the ruling class. Fortunately, it's still possible to do some actual journalism, as this dispatch from McClatchy demonstrates:
The classified emails stored on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server contained information from five U.S. intelligence agencies and included material related to the fatal 2012 Benghazi attacks, McClatchy has learned.

Of the five classified emails, the one known to be connected to Benghazi was among 296 emails made public in May by the State Department. Intelligence community officials have determined it was improperly released.
That's a problem for the next Leader of the Free World. Why is that?
“Even if Secretary Clinton or her aides didn’t run afoul of any criminal provisions, the fact that classified information was identified within the emails is exactly why use of private emails . . . is not supposed to be allowed,” said Bradley Moss, a Washington attorney who specializes in national security matters. “Both she and her team made a serious management mistake that no one should ever repeat.”
There's a whole lot more in the linked article. All of it is worth your time.

1 comment:

3john2 said...

So, as someone else asked, will Hillary receive the same treatment as Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden?

I'd like to picture Hillary hiding out in Russia. Talk about your reset button!