Glad you're back. So, let's talk about romance. Specifically, let's talk about girls. When we're talking about the distaff side, certainly the visuals make a difference, but pure beauty alone won't always trip a guy's trigger. It might be the scent of Chanel No. 5, or it might be that sly, come-hither stare that strips your conscience bare. But what really clinches the deal is the voice. Especially a singing voice.
We can all think of technically brilliant female singers who don't do a thing for you. Then there are women who could sing a grocery list and get your attention. The quality is ineffable, I guess. Explaining it isn't easy. But you know it when you hear it.
In his post, Night Writer identified Annie Lennox as a woman who has this quality. He's right - no doubt about it. Listen to this song and tell me it doesn't get your attention. Try not to pay too much attention to the twee video itself:
Now, let's compare and contrast. Around the same time as Eurythmics were in their heyday, a beautiful woman with a big voice was out front of another synth-heavy band. That woman would be Terri Nunn, and her band was Berlin. Consider this huge hit from 1986, from the soundtrack of the movie Top Gun. A lot of the atmospherics are similar, but do you hear the magic in the voice?
Technically, Nunn is every bit as good a singer as Lennox. But while Lennox's voice gets my attention and keeps it every time I hear it, I find my attention wandering when I listen to Terri Nunn. I feel the same way about a lot of contemporary female vocalists.
It's funny, though -- the voice that gets your attention can come from a lot of different places. On the thread to Night Writer's post, our good friend Gino mentions another 80s singer who is largely forgotten today, but who definitely had that special quality. She was just a teenager at the time and she was working for the morally dubious Malcolm McLaren, but even as she sang a trifle she had undeniable command, despite McLaren's obvious jailbaiting. It's Annabella Lwin, out in front of Bow Wow Wow, in a remake of the old Strangeloves tune. She's on the beach but this ain't Annette Funicello. No sir.
Again, compare and contrast. A contemporary of Annabella was Belinda Carlisle. Watch this and tell me who holds your attention:
Thought so. Now let's turn the way back machine to about 1960. You want a voice? I got one for ya. Here's Dinah Washington, with her partner Brook Benton, with an R & B smash that I'd be willing to wager many of my readers probably haven't heard before.
Dinah died young and she's largely forgotten these days, but she had it. Oh my yes.
Then let's take it way back. It's 1943. We're in the big band era and most of the best bands had vocalists. Frank Sinatra was working with Tommy Dorsey back then and Benny Goodman had himself a very nice young singer with a purr that really got your attention. It's Miss Peggy Lee, asking the musical question:
Think that didn't get your dad (or your grandpa's) attention?
As always, pick your fave. Or tell me someone else who gets your attention.