Sunday, April 04, 2010


File this one under the heading "no good deed goes unpunished."

I've heard from a number of people that the Open ID doesn't work well and they are not able to publish comments. I'm looking for a work around but since I value input more than I dislike anonymous commentary, we're back to allowing anonymous comments on the site for the time being. I'll take my chances with the anonymous comments and I would encourage those of you who have been commenting anonymously to go ahead and register with Google or some other source. It's a better conversation if I have a name to respond to, even if it's a pen name.

I'll also be adding a few more blogs to the blogroll in the coming days and I will be adding a 2010 candidate section that provides links to people who deserve your support. Watch for further developments.


Gino said...

those who forget to ID themselves can always post a follow-up "oh, that was me" if they forget to sign their 'name'.

i've done that often at other places.

my name is Amanda said...

I think you're being too nice, Mr. D. (Or I'm being too mean, whichever!) I require all commenters to sign up with Blogger/Google (as you said, Open ID will work, too), and no one has ever reported to me that they were not able to do this. A couple have told me "I don't know what my login and password are," and I had to remind them that if they signed up, they have gmail, and they should use that as a resource to remember their sign in. Not that I'm telling you what to do, or whatever, but should you again experience doubt about not requiring a sign in, consider me that devil on your shoulder.

Mr. D said...

Amanda the bad cop. I like it.

I'm still researching workarounds but for now I want the commenters, so I had to go back. If I figure it out, I may revisit it again.

Night Writer said...

I prefer to do as little as possible with Google on principal.

The Open ID thingy didn't give me an option to list my name and blog without creating another identity. Life is complicated enough.

I never comment anonymously so I don't know why my life has to be complicated by the potentially egregious ations of others. Oh, wait, I just summed up the whole reason behind the TSA.

Mr. D said...

NW was one of the commenters who was having trouble, but I had another as well. The problem lies with the Blogger/Google software, which takes away both the anonymous option and the "Name/URL" option that NW and another commenter uses.

I also experimented with OpenID and found it troublesome, which pretty much made the decision easy. If I can figure out a way to take away just the "anonymous" option, that is it. But the settings don't work that way at the moment.