Monday, December 21, 2015

Lightning round -- 122115

Let's cover the waterfront:

  • I watched a fair amount of the DNC debate on Saturday. It was generally a snooze fest. I'm not particularly inclined to like any of the three candidates on offer, so there's not much to say about it. Hillary Clinton is going to win easily, primarily because she's less ridiculous than her competitors. 
  • The omnibus budget bill that came down from Capitol Hill is a disgrace and you can find any number of commentators who can explain why. I keep seeing reports that someone is going to primary Paul Ryan, but I notice that the reports don't come from anyone in Wisconsin, so I would be skeptical of that. Not that he doesn't deserve it, though.
  • My friend Brad Carlson, who understands a little bit about being the emcee at a beauty pageant, has an amusing wrapup of the fiasco ending of the Miss Universe Pageant last night, in which host Steve Harvey inadvertently gave the crown to the wrong contestant. I'm hoping that Harvey can figure out a way to get these folks on Family Feud at some point.
  • The Packers are in the playoffs and the Vikings are almost certainly going to be a playoff team as well. While the Carolina Panthers are 14-0, I'm not convinced they are a great team. This year feels like one where we will see a surprise winner in the Super Bowl. I suspect that once you get in the tournament, all bets are off.


Gino said...

What? No mention of the glorious come from behind victory of the Monkeys in fantasy?

Mr. D said...

Some of our, ahem, contributors might beg to differ on that one, fair commissioner.