Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Schlong and Winding Road

I've decided that Donald Trump is actually an unholy amalgam of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Andrew "Dice" Clay and Otto West, the character that Kevin Kline played in "A Fish Called Wanda." For his latest act, he's broken out the Yiddish:

I don't know that anyone has ever used "schlong" as a verb in a presidential campaign before. That's part of Trump's appeal, I guess -- his tendency to say any damned thing on his mind is what his fans love.

Then again, we're clearly in a season where just about anything goes. Consider this cartoon from Ann Telnaes of the Washington Post, in which she portrays the daughters of Ted Cruz, who are 7 and 5, as monkeys:

WaPo took it down, but it deserves to be remembered

Apparently this is okay because Cruz featured his daughters in a political ad he ran last week.

I'm guessing Telnaes will be forced to issue a non-apology apology later today, but her explanation of her cartoon demonstrates that, well, certain children deserve it:
But when a politician uses his children as political props, as Ted Cruz recently did in his Christmas parody video in which his eldest daughter read (with her father’s dramatic flourish) a passage of an edited Christmas classic, then I figure they are fair game.
You know what? I'd rather see Telnaes not bother with the ritual non-apology apology. She honestly thinks it's okay to go after people's children to make a political point. Now we know what she is and how she views the world. And if we give Donald Trump a few days, he'll probably find a way to work in the proper Yiddish term to describe Telnaes.


Gino said...

Im kinda lovin how trump is giving the political class fits. They still dont get it.

3john2 said...

Where's the schlong?

Chuckwagon Boy said...

I like how Voldemort and others have said yes it has been used in the past so that means it is OK. I am sure all the men bringing it up by saying yet other men have used it helps matters.

Mr. D said...

For the record, CB, is the cartoon okay?

Chuckwagon Boy said...

No, not at all. And I was really surprised that a cartoonist w/ the WA Post even thought it would be. Why bring in the kids at all?! It was bizarre.