Thursday, December 13, 2018

The value of brevity

Jim Treacher on the potential 2020 Democratic Party field of candidates:
An elderly plagiarist and an elderly communist, narrowly beaten out by a relatively youthful blank slate upon which libs can project all their hopes and dreams. That might be why some have described Beto as "the white Obama." Which is an insult. To Obama.
If the Dems can sell Beto O'Rourke, they can sell anything.


Bike Bubba said...

One achievement for O'Rourke; didn't he marry money well or something like that?

Some of the videos of him are inadvertently hilarious. OK, we are supposed to be somehow impressed that a middle aged man goes slowly around a parking lot at night on his skateboard, candidating for a position as "hood ornament"? Seriously?

John said...

Wait, what? I thought a woman president was next on the liberal punch sheet? I didn't think a pseudo-Hispanic was on the agenda for another six or ten years (depending on the 2020 outcome?

BTW, I find nothing in the Constitution that says an impeached, but not convicted, President, can't run for a second term so we have that to look forward to.