Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Midweek in the Mideast

So Iran fired a bunch of missiles yesterday and may not have killed anyone. And they promise not to do it again as long as the U.S. doesn't retaliate further.

Long and the short of it? Clowntime is over. For 40 years, the U.S. and Iran have pretended not to notice too much because they didn't want to escalate things. When Iran's proxies attacked the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, that was too much, so that's why their top general was mailed back in a manila envelope. Trump doesn't care about appearances -- you may have noticed. So if nothing else, we're at the most honest point in U.S./Iran relations since the 1970s.

What happens next? Hard to say. But if you've been braying about war, as the Democrats have, it may not happen. Stay tuned.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

Happily, I don't watch or read any MSM except for what appears in tweets. The one exception to this that proves to me that these little snippets are indeed representative? NPR. I listen while driving. Of course their tone isn't crazy, but the framing and choice of every issue aligns perfectly with the nutters I see in retweets. This next election will be fascinating since it will be a (mainly) objective look at reality. How much of the electorate has tuned out the propaganda?

3john2 said...

Politics, propaganda, and saber (or missile)-rattling. Let's remember the real men, women and children that carry on their lives in the midst of this bizarre "lottery" of acceptable losses of life in order to preserve "peace", or the illusion thereof, for the greater good. In a blog-post I once described this as the West "being willing to cut off fingers and feeding them to the dogs under the table in order to preserve the place-settings." Here's the link to that post, which was a commentary on an excellent article, "Welcome to Sderot". The link in that post to the original essay is still active and is still very timely and resonant. I link to my post instead, however, for more context and because it includes an excellent back and forth in the Comments between the author and myself.

Unknown said...

Now that WWIII is over I'm wondering what WWIV will be like.