Thursday, June 25, 2020

That would be a shame

Sean Spicier laments:

Faith matters
Remarkably scandal free, they'll have you know.


John said...

It is fun to read Spicier. The number of left-wing brains (and I use that term loosely) who are convinced this is the real Shawn Spicer and send in insults ranging from his Dancing with the Stars appearance or his time at the WH is hysterical.

John said...

whoops sean...not shawn.

Gino said...

i weep for the future if Trump doesnt win a second term. even if he did, he wouldnt be allowed to rule, thats is IF they even bother to count the vote properly.

i'm convinced all methods of denying him are at play as we speak. this will be an election nobody will accept as legit, and may be the end of the republic as well, and as it should be.
