Saturday, November 07, 2015


I don't know whether Ben Carson got an invitation to West Point or not. Neither do you. Politico certainly doesn't know, either. I do know a lack of evidence for one position does not mean the opposite position is true. In other words, if Ben Carson says General Westmoreland offered him a chance to go to West Point, and Carson didn't subsequently apply, that doesn't mean the offer wasn't extended. Westmoreland has been unable to comment for at least ten years now.

I don't support Ben Carson for President, but I'm glad he's been pushing back against Politico. The lesson that Republicans are finally learning is simple enough -- you do not have to accept the premises and biases of your interlocutors. And it is always worth pushing back on the premises and biases of the MSM.


Gino said...

Voters respond to pushing back. .. youd think the GOPers would remember that by now.

Mr. D said...

You'd think that if you were operating under the assumption that GOPers care more about what the voters think than what their betters think of them. The Capitol is an intoxicating place.

Gino said...

I still say part of trumps popularity is his talking back to The Betters and his use of the common mans speech code.

Ex... Speaking of shortening the last debate "get the hell out of here". Can you imagin those words leaving any body else's lips?

Mr. D said...

I agree with that. He doesn't sound like a politician.

jerrye92002 said...

Might I suggest changing the word "interlocutors" to "inquisitors"? Moderators they are not.

Bike Bubba said...

Actually, having tried to go to West Point, I do know that Carson didn't get anything more than an "attaboy" from General Westmoreland. The process is involved, and involves a pre-application, application, physical exam, physical aptitude test, interviews with Congressmen and Senators, and more if you're a borderline case, which I was. I eventually got rejected because of asthma.

Carson would have remembered that vividly if he'd gone through the process. But that said, there are hundreds of people alive today because Ben Carson didn't have a five year service obligation after graduating from USMA. This is some tremendous goodness here!

jerrye92002 said...

The point the news media keep missing is that Carson said he did not apply for West Point, and he never did! Somehow the media keep trying to say that makes him a liar, and the more they keep pushing that wet noodle the more obvious their depravity becomes.

jerrye92002 said...

Is there such a crime as "depraved indifference to truth"? Maybe there should be?

Bike Bubba said...

One other note regarding my experience; USMA graduates are wonderful ambassadors for the academy, and if General Westmoreland knew about what a quality young man Dr. Carson was at that point, he would DEFINITELY have pressed to get him on the Hudson for four years. DEFINITELY.