Thursday, February 25, 2016

il miglior fabbro

I'm a big fan of Bill James, who is best known for his writing and statistical work concerning baseball. He has interesting things to say about The Donald:
I have despised Trump for 35 or 40 years, however long he has been a national figure, and I don’t intend to give this up now, or after he becomes president. Of all of the people who are running for president or have now dropped out of the race, Trump is absolutely the last one I would vote for.

I could summarize the reasons for this in five bullet points:

(1) I believe Trump is more interested in what is good for Donald Trump than in what is good for America. Not that the same could not be said about many of the other candidates, but it seems to me that this has to be more of a concern in the case of a man who has spent 30 years plastering his name to everything he could put his name on.

(2) I don’t think Trump’s background in business prepares him for the challenges of the presidency.

(3) I think Trump’s hard-ass approach to problems would be very dangerous for our nation in the presidency, and might have terrible consequences for all of us.

(4) I intensely dislike self-promotion. Trump is the nation’s most notorious self-promoter—and was before he decided to run for president.

(5) I don’t believe Trump is sincere in 99 percent of what he says. I think almost everything he says is either an outright lie, or something he is merely saying because it is convenient for him at the moment.

We haven’t had a president since Harry Truman who mocked people, a president who was openly rude and vulgar, and I am not anxious to bring that back to the Oval Office. 
I would say the current occupant is pretty good at mocking people as well, but we'll leave that aside. James does notice something else, however:
I believe in courage. I am all for politicians displaying courage, and I think Trump has done a better job of displaying real courage than anyone else running this year. Trump has had the courage to say and do things that people tell him he can’t do. We need that in a president. We need somebody who is willing to stand up and say “You don’t make the rules for me. I make the rules for me.” I applaud Trump for being that person.

Also, Trump is advocating real democracy in a way that the other candidates are not, and in a way that is too subtle for most of the talking heads to understand. We have in this great nation a class of professional do-gooders who have made a lot of rules for the rest of us, and who have, with the knowing co-operation of the media, forced the rest of us to comply with their rules. Most of us never voted upon or agreed to these rules. Some of these rules are good and proper, and some are useless and counter-productive.

Trump is saying “screw you” to the professionally self-righteous and to those people who are trying to force him to obey these rules that the nation has been forced to accept by leaders who lacked the courage to stand up to it all.
There is more, a whole lot more, at the link. Check it out.


Gino said...

Excellent. Now, if only more political writers could see this.

Mr. D said...

Now, if only more political writers could see this.

They don't want to see it, because it's an exercise in self-negation.

Gino said...

The political writers are seeing trump as a sure fire loser in November. I been saying all along he will win it vs Hillary.

He can carry CA. I swear it. Along with CA comes NY,FL,OH MI, PA....
Talking a Reagan style blow out.

Well see who right, them or I.

Mr. D said...

He can carry CA. I swear it. Along with CA comes NY,FL,OH MI, PA....
Talking a Reagan style blow out.

I doubt that, but Hillary is such a comprehensively horrible candidate that I could see Trump winning.

Gino said...

I think the GOP finally found a candidate the media can't disparage.

Mr. D said...

Oh, don't worry — there's plenty of disparaging a-comin'. The advantage for Trump is that he's both shameless and a believer in Andy Warhol's theory, i.e., don't read your press, weigh it instead.

Gino said...

That kinda my point... Say what you about him, he's Teflon.

Mr. D said...

he's Teflon.

Until he isn't.

Bike Bubba said...

He's not Teflon. He's NPD; narcissistic personality disorder. The guy we've got now, and the guy from 1993-2000, on steroids.

Gino said...

You'll be proud to have him as president. He's a winner.

Bike Bubba said...

Yeah, he's a huge winner with four banktrupcies and two nasty divorces. Please, Gino. Ain't enough lipstick at Mary Kay to make anything out of that pig.

Gino said...

he's a winner. three states in a row, super tuesday to come. mock all you want, but he's kicking ass playing politics against career politicians.