Wednesday, September 06, 2017

DACA Doolittle

It's not complicated, really. No one who can do anything is going to start deporting the individuals commonly known as Dreamers. In ending the program, Trump is merely undoing the work of his predecessor. That happens all the time.

Decisions about immigration policy should come from Congress; the executive branch should only be in the business of enforcing the laws Congress passes. Congress doesn't do much these days and really hasn't for the last 25 years. Obama knew this and did what he wanted. Trump knows it, too. The people who report the news in this country think Obama is nifty and cool and view Trump with disgust. That's all it is.

Prediction -- Congress will continue to do nothing. Trump has promised he will "revisit" the issue if Congress does nothing. He will — the current policy will remain in place, but with a few cosmetic modifications that allow Trump to say he did something. Go back to sleep.


Gino said...

i predict DACA will likely not happen in congress either. too many other agendas at play (like wide ranging amnesty) will keep the DACAs held hostage.

Trump could try his bully pulpit, and i think he will, but i doubt it will effective.

Bike Bubba said...

Immigration has got to be one of the craziest places in modern politics, where the left can not even wrap their minds around the fact that we really don't need more felons in our country. One doesn't need to go back to the bad old days of clear racial discrimination in immigration, but would it be that much to insist that we get a good criminal background and medical check done for everybody coming here?

Apparently so.