Monday, December 18, 2017

Open thread

Events are again in the saddle. We have a lot to think about in the coming days, but I haven't had much time to write, so take things where you will. A few general comments:

  • I don't see there being any way that the Robert Mueller investigation will end other than as a constitutional crisis. This is blood sport, y'all.
  • We will be returning to the local scene in New Brighton soon. There's a lot to talk about there.
  • I heard the Packers lost. If you'd like to remind me, go ahead.


Bike Bubba said...

As a Bears fan, I feel your pain and more. :^)

I am still holding out hope that the outcome of the Mueller investigation will show us the rot to allow us to remove it, but of course that will require actually removing the rot. Not holding my breath.

Gino said...

i ditto Bubba.