Monday, December 11, 2017

Right to the point

Instapundit makes a 100% correct point about Trump's rise:
If George W. Bush — or Mitt Romney — had pushed back against the media 1/10 as hard as Trump does, there wouldn’t be a President Trump. For that matter, there wouldn’t be a President Trump if the media had pushed back against Barack Obama 1/10 as hard as they pushed against Bush, Romney, or Trump.
Marquess of Queensberry rules do not apply in a gunfight. I don't approve of Trump's boorishness in the least, but he takes the battle to his opponents and concedes them nothing. That's why he's president. And that's also why Roy Moore will be elected tomorrow in Alabama. You don't have to make your peace with that if you'd like, but it behooves you to understand the dynamics involved.


Bike Bubba said...

One might suggest that Twitter and such make it possible for a candidate or politician to compete with those who buy ink by the barrel, no? Long past time for the propaganda media to face the fire on this.

Gino said...

the media establishment has overplayed its hand, not just now, but for 8 yrs previous. 50% of America no longer believes them, and it shouldnt.

they live in their bubble, with contempt for those not like them, and it shows not just in the reporting, but in the entertainment they offer from hollywood. their victimes have been on to it for quite some time, and Trump was the first to come along and recognize it.

Trump has spent his life on job sites, his father having him work alongside those who poured concrete, swung hammers, laid pipes, ran wires... and he developed a respect for those who labor. i think he personally likes the common man, and knows them well. this is the secret of his success in politics.

he made a telling comment in Pensacola friday night: to paraphrase, i've only been a politician for two years and i must be pretty good at it because i'm already president.

3john2 said...

Marquess of Queensbury Rules: