Sunday, May 25, 2008


Very sad news from Hugo, a Washington County suburb about 20 miles northeast from us. A pretty devastating tornado struck there late this afternoon, killing a 2-year old child and severly injuring the child's sibling and parents, according to a report in the Star Tribune. The accompanying photo, taken by Star Tribune photographer David Brewster, shows the devastation quite clearly.

It's odd how it works - here in New Brighton we barely had a storm at all; it rained like mad for about 15 minutes and that was it. Earlier in the day Mrs. D and I took the kids to the Science Museum of Minnesota to see the movie The Alps at the Omnitheater (worth your time if you get a chance, by the way) and to tour the museum. The SMM has an extensive exhibit devoted to weather and the kids spent time looking at cloud formation, forecasting and the like. Less than two hours after we'd toured the museum, we got a first-hand glance at what weather can mean.

What happened in Hugo today is the sort of sudden, horrifying tragedy that scientists can explain in technical terms but is beyond our ability to understand. It is one of the reasons that I pray and I'd encourage everyone else who reads this to say a prayer, too. The people of Hugo will need many things in the coming days but prayer is always a great place to start.

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