Sunday, July 13, 2008

If you happen to see. . .

The Nightwriter wandering around the streets in a daze, clutching a bottle of this stuff, take pity on the poor fellow. He touched the third rail, and we aren't talking about his recent experiments involving public transportation.


Anonymous said...

Hey, there's none of that over-the-counter, turn-your-hair-to-straw stuff around here. The Mall Diva gets the professional grade coloring agents, and I think there's even a secret chant or something you're supposed to say before applying it. The less I know, the better.

Mr. D said...

Glad to hear it, NW. If I were to dabble in that sort of thing, I'd probably get mine from Valspar.

And I agree - where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.

Aga said...

Such a great post