Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Eat This

Someone is going to have an upset stomach after this particular dinner. It may not be any of the participants, though.

Taegan Goddard of Political Wire reports that Barack Obama is having dinner this evening at George Will's house and that much of the first-team conservative commentariat is there too, including the house conservatives at the New York Times, David Brooks and Bill Kristol. There are rumors that Rush Limbaugh might be there, too. UPDATE (1/14 a.m.): Nope, guess el Rushbo wasn't there after all.

I am amused. It's not often that you can get five four of the most talented bullshit artists in America together in the same room. Other than the bill for cleaning the carpet afterwards, I'll bet they're having a fascinating evening. I do hope that after they enjoy their snifters of cognac and cigars (or whatever the President-Elect is smoking these days) that they surf The Daily Kos and Free Republic. I'd be willing to wager that the comments would be a laugh riot. Here's a hint, True Believers -- it's not about you. It's never about you.

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