Thursday, December 10, 2020


 There's no doubt in my mind -- the Democrats cheated like hell in the election. There's also no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is utterly unfit to be Leader of the Free World. 

Still, the case before the Supreme Court brought by Texas almost certainly has to fail. If it succeeds, states can sue other states for things that happen within their borders. And federalism, attenuated as it is, would be dead.

We're in a bad place. Civil war is a distinct possibility now. Frankly, I'm afraid.


jerrye92002 said...

i have proof enough for myself that the election was stolen. So what recourse should somebody in Minnesota have if the federal election gets stolen in another state? If somebody runs a financial scam on me, but does it from their computer in Pennsylvania, do they get off Scott free? Of course not. Federal law requires the States to manage the elections according to State law. If they break that law (as MN did), it's a federal crime.

Mr. D said...

Federal law requires the States to manage the elections according to State law. If they break that law (as MN did), it's a federal crime.

So what's the enforcement mechanism?

jerrye92002 said...

I don't know, but I assume it would first require SCOTUS to find for the plaintiff states. Seems to me the only reasonable remedy is to order a new election, monitored to conform to the state laws. MN's violatons don't seem to have had that result, yet. And Sec. Simon is claiming that we're going to get violent for "no reason at all" since there is "no voter fraud in MN." Maybe so, but "improper voting" was rampant and blatant and contrary to law.

Mr. D said...

I don't know, but I assume it would first require SCOTUS to find for the plaintiff states.

My guess is the case will be tossed, because the Supremes don't want to go there.

Seems to me the only reasonable remedy is to order a new election, monitored to conform to the state laws.

The same laws the states ignored last time? You'd need federal marshals to make that happen. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

Unknown said...

Scotus should throw out the electoral votes of states that didn't follow the constitution.


Mr. D said...

Scotus should throw out the electoral votes of states that didn't follow the constitution.

Should, but won't.

Unknown said...

In that case, the republic is over, and it's not coming back.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I still think Trump is going to win. He is so astonishingly patient, keeping powder dry. Then boom. It’s coming.

Obviously the Left will throw a fit, but at this point it kinda seems like “this again?” There’s no going back to the status quo, that’s for sure. The mask slipped and too many people saw the monster behind it.

Mr. D said...

I don't think it's coming. The Supremes just ruled 7-2 against Texas. I think a boom is coming, but it will be a boom of a different sort, when Trump declassifies everything on the way out the door.

Unknown said...

The Republic is no more. I will never fly it's flag again.


Petercorp said...

The Steal is real, and a huge issue. I wasn't a believer until I witnessed some empirical evidence the other day. I was able to see some photos and videos of some reptilians and some greys destroying ballots that were for Trump, and filing out and counting ballots that were for Biden. We've got to figure out how to get the word out to as many people as is possible. It's now an intergalactic conspiracy.

Paul said...

Trump lost. You do not have to be happy about it. But living in a OAN or Newsmax alternative universe is not going to make anything better, nor will it change the outcome. We already had our republic tested under DT and it is still standing. And there will not be any civil war as those who are talking smack about seceding have no balls to follow through on it.

jerrye92002 said...

I disagree Trump lost. I think Democrats stole the election and there are several routes to prove it. Whether justice is done is a different story. So even if the criminals get away with it, doesn't mean we have to roll over and let them rob us again and again. "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender..." -- Winston Churchill

Mr. D said...
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Mr. D said...

Trump lost. You do not have to be happy about it. But living in a OAN or Newsmax alternative universe is not going to make anything better, nor will it change the outcome. We already had our republic tested under DT and it is still standing. And there will not be any civil war as those who are talking smack about seceding have no balls to follow through on it.

I don't know if a civil war is inevitable, but I'm certain there will be a resistance and I think we all underestimate the anger at our peril. Meanwhile, Biden is going to be president for a little while, but there's going to be a power struggle behind the scenes and it's going to fascinating to watch, especially the blue-on-blue stuff. AOC and her acolytes are seething. A lot of my lefty friends think peace is coming. It's not.

Mr. D said...

The Steal is real, and a huge issue. I wasn't a believer until I witnessed some empirical evidence the other day. I was able to see some photos and videos of some reptilians and some greys destroying ballots that were for Trump, and filing out and counting ballots that were for Biden. We've got to figure out how to get the word out to as many people as is possible. It's now an intergalactic conspiracy.

Cool story, bro.

Seriously, of course there was cheating. People cheat all the time in all manner of human endeavor. Larceny resides in every human heart and there are trillions of dollars at stake. It's almost impossible to prove and Team Trump hasn't come close to proving it. Once Biden is inaugurated, and he will be, a lot of people will realize they've been had. But it won't change the result. Meanwhile, the Bad Orange Man has a month left in his term and he can throw a lot of turds in the punchbowl. And he's not the type to go quietly -- you may have noticed.

Petercorp said...

Agreed. And maybe the Republicans will do a much better job of it the next time around. But I have to disagree about people realizing that they've been had. The legacy media will not be reminding them of that. I hope that once Trump is out of office that he spills all of the secrets that he can.

Mr. D said...

I hope that once Trump is out of office that he spills all of the secrets that he can.

Before is better. He's already pardoning people. The two who need to be pardoned are Assange and Snowden. The CIA needs an enema.

jerrye92002 said...

Add to the silence of the media the complicity of the courts. Despite overwhelming evidence of "improper voting," 12 high-powered East Coast lawyers are getting the lawsuits tossed on technicalities. People can't realize they've been had if the media continues their MASSIVE coverup.

Petercorp said...

Anytime would certainly work. My guess is that he focuses himself on the election until Joe's sworn in. Assange and Snowden definitely need pardoning. I hope that Joe pardons Trump, stops any investigations into Trump and company, and just puts a complete focus on Covid. And probably infrastructure. The CIA needs to place their focus on foreign affairs, but the FBI could use an enema.

Legacy media will probably never call balls and strikes. The judges must be of the Robert's persuasion. Where they want too much to have an appearance of not being partisan. The SCOTUS was the most surprising of them all. I was very confused as to why they wouldn't even hear the Texas case.