Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Dems own the world

 I haven't been writing much about politics, because I could see what was going to happen. And it has. The Dems have won (stolen, most likely, but it's a meaningless distinction) Georgia. And so by the narrowest of margins, they control Washington. 

But they will control Washington. And they will control America. And they will control you. As a practical matter, they already have for some time now. Donald Trump fought like hell, but he couldn't overcome the forces arrayed against him. 

I am certain the Dems will do horrible things. But as we have learned from their laboratories in California, once they take control, they will not cede it. Your rights as a citizen are whatever your betters decide they are. Now put on your fucking face mask and get to work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is not ending well, nor should it. A stolen presidential election should never end well.
The day it does, is the day things *really* aren't going well.

My God bless America, And bless Donald Trump.
