Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Shit's getting old


The House impeached President Trump for the second time Wednesday, charging him for behavior they believe caused the violent Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that left five dead, dozens injured, and the historic building defaced and damaged.

Ten House Republicans joined all House Democrats to pass a single impeachment article accusing Trump of inciting an insurrection.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, must now decide when to send the article to the Senate, which is not scheduled to be in session until Jan. 19 and is unlikely to consider it until after Trump leaves office.

Trump’s term ends on Jan. 20 at 12 p.m.

Ya know, maybe if the Dems hadn't done the impeachment thing before over the Ukraine bullshit (you know it was bullshit because Biden never campaigned on the issue; of course there was an obvious reason for that, but whatever) this latest spasm of self-congratulation might have meant something. This is more like a medieval king exhuming an enemy's corpse to hang it.

The Dems have fears, though, doncha know:

But Democrats made the case during the one-day proceeding that Trump is too dangerous to remain in office a moment longer, coming to the floor to suggest Trump may incite additional violence, move to pardon the protesters charged in the Capitol siege, or even start a nuclear war during his final days in office.

“He must go,” Pelosi said on the House floor. “He is a clear and present danger to the nation we all love.”

There's not a chance in hell Trump will start a nuclear war. He might pardon some people, but the greater danger is that he will declassify a bunch of information the Democrats would prefer remain buried. And I hope he does.

If I'm Trump, my to-do list is as follows:

  1. Pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden
  2. Declassify everything
  3. Pardon Hunter Biden, but only after issuing formal charges
  4. Pardon Joe Biden
  5. Pardon Hillary
  6. Don't pardon Obama
The Democrats deserve to have their fears exposed, as well as their rampant malfeasance. I want to pardon some of them because it will make them look like the vindictive weasels they are and frankly I don't need to see any more witch hunts, even though Biden richly deserves the treatment Trump received, because he is a straight up corrupt politician. But it's over now. Biden will reveal who he is every time he opens his pie hole. He can't hide any longer -- this isn't FDR in 1944.


Unknown said...

Why pardon any when we should hang them all?

Mercy is weakness.


Mr. D said...

Why pardon any when we should hang them all?

Should. Where's the rope? Where's the gibbet?

Petercorp said...

The Ukraine impeachment looks like a real head scratcher. It's a real shame that Snowden and Assange weren't pardoned. And I agree with the suggestion how to handle Hunter, Clinton, and Obammer. It's easier to see and hear now that most of the Orange Man bad noise has died down. The Dems are way too worried about optics.

It's what'll be their downfall. Or even the rope that some feel is needed. And the legacy media tipped their hand. I turned the television to CNN the other day before going to bed. some "expert" was talking about this new strain of Covid from the UK. He went on about how the strain that we're used to for example will kill 10 out of 1000 over the age of 60.

But this new and deadlier one will take as many as 13 or 14 out of every thousand of the same group of people. I think that my aim will to become too skeptical and to not believe anything anymore.