Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hey, have fun with it

 An early live look at President Biden's inaugural address:

My "dumb" tag is gonna get a lot of work over the near future.

1 comment:

jerrye92002 said...

At least two dumb things on day one: 1)"rejoining the Paris Accords" in violation of the Constitution on treaties. First dime spent in compliance is impeachable. 2) Stopping the Keystone pipeline, probably in violation of the USMCA or international trade laws or somesuch. Expect that to be tied up in court until the pipeline completes. Only problem is the taxpayer gets stuck for the treble damages.

And ANYTHING advocate for "doing something" about "climate change" must be asked the definitive question of "how much warming will be averted by this action?" The answer is well-known. It is "not enough to measure."