Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Grace of the Victors

At the outset, I will apologize to anyone who finds the language in this post offensive. Accuracy matters and so I am going to use the words needed to write this post.

You might have heard that gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states. It was pretty newsworthy. I wasn't particularly surprised by the ruling -- once the ruling in Lawrence came down in 2003, this day was inevitable. And since I live in a state that has had gay marriage enacted by statute, I've long since accepted the result.

What was striking was not the result, but rather the tone of the commentary I have seen today regarding the outcome. Out of the many posts I saw today on social media, I thought this one was of particular interest. From what I can tell it may have originated at the Daily Kos, but I saw it multiple times from multiple sources:

Very nice sentiment. I was instructed by at least one person who posted this, ahem, image of the following terms of receiving the image:
"It's funny people, so if you want to make snide political comments please go elsewhere. Laugh a little!"
This blog is elsewhere, so we are honoring this request. If you don't find it too snide, I'd like to propose a little thought experiment. Suppose Anthony Kennedy changed his mind and the vote was 5-4 the other way. For the sake of argument, imagine you are on social media and you encounter a meme saying this:

And the merry social media purveyor then instructs you as follows --
"It's funny people, so if you want to make snide political comments please go elsewhere. Laugh a little!"
Do you think people would be laughing? How would you react? Let's take a poll:

Hey, how do you like your meme? free polls

1 comment:

Gino said...

it needs a rebel flag in there somewhere to be taken seriously.