Friday, June 19, 2015

After-action report

We will learn more in the coming days about Dylann Storm Roof, the 21-year-old man who killed nine people during a Bible study class at a historic AME church in Charleston, SC, on Wednesday night. Based on what's been reported, a few observations:

  • He had a roommate who said Roof had been planning something like this for months. That revelation comes a little late, doncha think?
  • My Facebook feed is filled with images of Confederate battle flags today, all posted by lefty commenters. Weird.
  • While I continue to oppose the death penalty, this guy would be a hell of a good candidate for getting it.
  • The reporting suggests that Roof thought he could start a civil war, or something, by committing mass murder. If Charles Manson couldn't get one started, this dude wasn't going to have much chance. He didn't even have any addled hippie chicks to do his bidding.
The only thing I know for sure -- the victims and their families could use prayers and support. That's a good place to start.

1 comment:

Gino said...

Roof is less dangerous than the thousands of violent wetbacks the doj released on the streets. Why can't we focus our news on them?