Saturday, June 13, 2015


So do you like standing naked in the public square? Because there's a decent chance you are:
The government employees described being in a “collective panic” about the hack of their personal data.

“You don’t understand how detailed the forms are. It’s over a hundred pages of you listing everything about yourself – who you are sleeping with, who your friends are – it’s like a cheat sheet to your life,” said a State Department employee in Washington D.C. “I just went and changed my bank password because part of it was my elementary school’s name, and that name is in my file.”

The 117-page questionnaire that all federal employees must complete upon being hired asks detailed questions about a new employees personal and private life. The questions, intended to insure that the employees do not have a conflict of interest and to allow the government to vet those around them, can be found online.

“It just seems like if there was ever anything that you should protect, it would be these files,” said the State Department employee.
I'm just waiting for the moment our gubmint announces that the Chinese have hacked the IRS.That'll be sweet.

By the way, this is yet another great reason to vote for a former secretary of state who conducted her business on an unsecured server.


3john2 said...

The Chinese have Lois Lerner's missing emails. And Hillary's sleep number.

Bike Bubba said...

Hey, but they made sure they had my phone records and that our grandparents were frisked for bombs before they flew!