Monday, October 22, 2018

Why should I care. . . why should I care

That's the musical question that begins the song "5:15" by the Who, which also include this stanza:

Tightly undone
They know what they're showing
Sadly ecstatic
That their heroes are news

I've been wondering why certain things are in the news for a long time now. Wondering isn't the right thing to do, though, Kurt Schlichter suggests. He has a different idea:
I don’t care about the [Jamal]  Khashoggi caper because I see no reason to join in the faux shock that foreigners are terrible, or that the Saudis are so especially terrible that we must abandon a crucial ally against Iran, which hangs more gays from a single crane every day than the Saudis have ever chopped up in their consulates.

Weird, but the elite was totally mad about Donald Trump pulling out of the “We’ll pay you mullahs to get nukes slightly slower” deal and these same people are now demanding we ditch our primary Arab ally against Tehran. I mean, if I were cynical, I’d say this whole imbroglio was a steaming wheelbarrow of crap.

But I’m not cynical. Their motive for trying to destroy the US-Israeli-Saudi alliance against the mullahs is totally that they care about this sketchy dude who none of us ever heard of before last week. And Chet agrees.  
Chet’s my unicorn.
Because Khashoggi, a political operative who was lately donning the vestments of a "journalist," was killed, it's an international crisis. Or it isn't. It's okay not to care that much. The Saudi royal family and their retainers are horrible people. By some accounts, Khashoggi wasn't a great dude, either. I would strongly prefer that governments not murder their own citizens, but it's been a practice from time immemorial. It's also why I oppose the death penalty in the United States. But I'm not convinced cutting ties with the Saudis, loathsome as they are, is in our interests, either. Back to Schlichter:
I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.
For now, we have the right not to care. We ought to guard that right with eternal vigilance.


Gino said...

this whole news story is fake news. sure, it's true. but it's not news that we should concern ourselves with.
its how the media tells us what we need to care about, and how we are supposed to feel about it... while ignorin the shit that does matter, and we should, and do, care about.

instead of marching in lockstep, they should send some reporters to flyover country and report on stuff that matters there, or the California interior.
but they wont. FNC included.

Mr. D said...

instead of marching in lockstep, they should send some reporters to flyover country and report on stuff that matters there, or the California interior.
but they wont. FNC included.

Yep. Murdoch’s progeny like to attend the right cocktail parties, so they can’t have anyone upsetting any applecarts. Those must be some damned good cocktails.

Bike Bubba said...

Is it fake news, or unsurprising news where we need to keep our eyes on the ball? The murder is only shocking if you forget that the religious police there kept teen girls in a burning building to prevent them from running out without their hijabs.

But that said, it says a lot about us that he was here, working for the Post, flying to Istanbul to handle things that could have been handled in DC, and that quite frankly we keep ANWR, Florida, and California oil fields off limits in an age when major oil producers will engage in the utmost barbarity. Englishmen and Americans alike gave up sugar to protest slavery; will we make some sacrifices to protest Islamic thuggery?